Thursday, April 21, 2011


I'm trying to learn how to blog more effectively...eventually with the hope of earning a little cash.  One site I like to follow is called the Heavenly Homemakers.  Here's the learning part...trying to post a link here so you can go see her site.  Heavenly Homemaker's is a site that encourages teaching God's word and talks a lot about eating healthy food.

WHOO HOO...Proud of me...I think it worked!  Another site I like...which really makes me my friend Kristi Price's site...she is hysterical!

Laughter is the best medicine...right?  So with a few laughs from Kristi and a few food/cooking tips from Laura maybe good health is just around the corner.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lists, Focus and Energy

Some days I feels on top of the world.  There is no way I'm not going to accomplish the 101 things on my list.  And some days I can't even remember what a list is. 

Today was one of those latter days.  I woke up knowing I had several things to do but could not focus on what they were.  I looked around and saw 4 or 5 hours of housework just waiting on me.  Then one of the kids called and threw us all off track.  Instead of lunch at 12:00...she needed lunch at 11:00.  O.K.  So much for cooking that pork roast.

Then later in the day (house work still pending) a friend calls and wants to bring a friend to see our house.  It's for sale...almost a year now.  No way will we turn down that opportunity.  And they'll be here in an hour. YIKES

I have never cleaned and staged this house as fast as was done this afternoon!  And thank goodness for lightly filled drawers (which are now stuffed full!) and empty tubs of seasonal clothes (yep...stuffed full too!).  Did you know you can stuff dirty clothes, previously laying on the laundry room floor, in the washer, dryer and even the dishwasher? can be done!

So tomorrow I'll have one of those 101 things to do lists.  Now if I can only have one of the top of the world days instead of the lack of focus days...and can remember what got stuffed where!

Lord bless me tomorrow with Your love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness faithfulness, self control...and if I may?  Focus and energy.  In His precious name...


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Forgetful and Failing... but Hallelujah...FORGIVEN!!

Hey Friends,   Long time no "see."  I literally had to look back at the first emails via FB that I sent all of you to find my blog address!  I am so forgetful.  Then I almost couldn't remember my password to sign fact, fortunately, I remembered I had written it down somewhere so was able to sign in.  You all may think I'm joking but really...remember my age?  Know what God planned for all of us hormonally at this age?  Well it has drastically affected my memory!  PRAY FOR FOCUS AND MEMORY FOR ME!  Thankfully the hot flashes have been few and far between.

I haven't posted in so long because I am failing miserably at the goals and tasks I set myself.  I started this so we could hold each other accountable but when I didn't like what I was going to have to tell you...I just didn't write.  Also it's spring.  And in the spring, our family life gets really busy...but mostly, just because I was failing!

I think I may have told most of you at some point my weight loss story.  But for those of you I haven't, here it is.  In 2007 I joined Shake the weight and lost 25 2010 I had gained about 5 back.  In 2010 my numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar) were all out of wack so the Dr. wanted to start me on medicines...I didn't want to.  So I asked him for help in attacking the problem...being overweight...not the symptoms...bad numbers.  Between March 2010 and June 2010 I lost another 42 pounds for a net weight loss of 62 lbs.  I held my own until November.  Then I gained about 7-10 lbs through Christmas.  Since Christmas though I have gained another 10 lbs.  As of today, I am at a net weight loss of 47 lbs.  The sad part is I now have two sets of too large and one too small.  But I refuse to buy anymore!

Over Spring break I traveled with my oldest child and visited 3 different colleges.  Let me just say that when traveling, eating right is a problem for me.  Not because there weren't plenty of options...but because when I travel, I like to eat at nice places (budget issues here) and try new foods/restaurants.  Most of the places we ate at served portions way too large and I had too many REALLY large eating days.  However, one place we ate  was the exact opposite.  There were really large PRICES on very small amounts.  While this was better for me calorie caused much budget stress...and I hear stress can make you gain weight!

Anyway...let me summarize our college visiting trip...we have not saved enough money!  College costs WAY TOO MUCH!  We will be counting on God to provide scholarships and direction.  One day in future, I'm going to post my thoughts on college/break even/raising a family/ and how MAYBE we set our female children up for failure....but not today.

Today I want to talk about fasting.  When I was in college I fasted to loose weight.  I could go two or three days without eating and loose that 7-10 lbs that was always keeping me in a size too large (HA!  What I wouldn't give to wear that size today).  In the past few years, as I've grown spiritually, I have come to realize that fasting is a spiritual process...not a weight loss process. The exercise fiend and I from the beginning of our marriage have chosen to fast different things during lent...not because we are catholic, but just as a matter of self discipline.  Usually we fasted TV because, let's face it, we were addicted.  Until several years ago (3?4?5?) we gave up cable completely.  Now the only TV we see is Netflix streaming or videos we rent.  This cuts down on our choices of viewing along with our hours of viewing.

This year our Pastor has asked us to fast something between now and Easter/Resurrection Sunday.  The purpose is to spend time praying when you are fasting (whatever activity you choose)for a certain thing.  I'm not exactly sure what our Pastor asked us to pray for (I"m easily distracted...remember paragraph 1?  I need focus)  but I think it was for our Easter Service, that many might come to know the Lord.  At least that is what I will be praying for...salvation for any lost that attend our service. 

Our youth were asked to fast media...i.e. facebook, twitter, youtube, TV, etc.  I have decided to fast food every other day.  This for me will be a two fold purpose.  1 - each time my stomach growls or I think about eating, I will pray for those attending our services between now and Easter, that they may see the Lord in me and others in their path and accept Jesus Christ and the salvation He provides. And 2 - that each time my stomach growls, I will pray the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22) love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control will be evident in me.  That the fruit will swell within me in exuberant amounts...that anyone who sees me or talks to me will see Christ or hear about Christ and that through the particular part of the fruit - SELF CONTROL - I will remember to put only edifying things into my body.  Both edifying food and edifying thoughts and words.  Edifying food does not include food that harms me...for me that is sugar and foods that turn to sugar.

O.K.  Sorry this is so long and rambling...I'll do better next time.

Lord please fill me with Your Spirit every day so that You are easily seen in me and that You are in total control of what comes out of my mouth and what goes in.  I know I received all of You at salvation, but I quash You sometimes with the desires/demands of my flesh.  I'm asking you to help me "loose" You in me.  Help me give over all my selfishness and selfgratifying behavior to You.  Let Your Holy Spirit be in total control of me and subdue my flesh.  In His precious name...AMEN (SO BE IT!)


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Semi-scratch and Attendance

I'm feeling really proud of myself...I cooked chicken spaghetti "from scratch" this week.  Then I realized...I didn't make that pasta, and where it called for cream of celery soup...well I didn't make that.  Rotel?  I guess I could have cut up my own tomatoes, jalapeno and all the other stuff but did I?  No...I also didn't make my own Velveeta cheese.  I DID boil that chicken right down to nothing and de-bone it all by myself.  And I sauteed the red peppers and onion to perfection...but for now I'll have to settle for "semi-scratch"  I'm not woman enough to cook from scratch!

On another note, I do seem to be on a roll walking.  Walked Sunday with the dog, Monday with the EF and last night with my regular walking partner BP.  Today it is raining but fear not...I have a tread mill.  No excuses for me allowed. 

Unfortunately, cookies called my name  yesterday and I caved.  However, SONIC was SHOUTING...but I kept on driving!

Hope all of you are doing well on your journey.  I'm going for sugar free and calorie restricted from this point on...nuts may be sugar free but at the end of the day when I've eaten three different cans...the waistline moves in the wrong direction!

Today we were invited to attend a reception for parents of/and students meeting criteria for designation as an "Arkansas Scholar."  WOW...I"m thinking.  FirstChild is such a great student!!!  I'm so proud of her.  And those things are still true but did you know that for this designation, a student only  has to have a 2.0?  Oh and they have to be in attendance 95% of the school days from Freshman day one to Seniors last day and taking the core curriculum (not smart core mind you...core).  Isn't that pretty much the criteria for graduation?  I was surprised at the big deal made of this designation...then they told us out of the entire sophomore class (300+ students) only 78 qualified at this time....that's only about 26% of the students.  Attendance must really be an issue.

This is something I cannot comprehend...what do students do during the day if they are not going to school?  And where are their parents?  Who let's these kids NOT go to school?  Aren't they required by law to attend school until they are 18?  What's going on?

I just have to say how thankful I am for my parents instilled from day one that EVERY go to school.  You had to be puking on their shoes or running a very high temperature to miss school.  And then we were told, at about 14, you better get a job if you want to go to college...and the flip side of that is YOU WILL BE GOING TO COLLEGE!  They had three of us in college at the same time.  It's nice being raised in a home where you never had to make a decision about going to just WERE!

So for those of you who are parents...have high expectations of your kids...and work to help them fulfill those expectations.

Lord I just pray for those kids who have fractured home lives.  I pray peace and comfort for them.  I pray that somewhere somehow they'll meet You and come to know Your love and unconditional acceptance of who they are.  I pray for those kids that You'll put someone in their lives who provide godly standards then give them the tools needed to succeed in life.  Lord I pray for the parents of these kids who find school attendance a challenge.  Let them put aside their own selfishness and stretch and motivate their children to be the very best that they can.  Lord you are a Holy God and love us unconditionally...but at the same time, you have set standards for love one another as you love us.  Help us Lord to be your hands and feet at all times to those who need us.  In Jesus name...


Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Days

Today is is the First day of the week...the first day of the rest of your life...the first day for doing it all completely right (or at least one thing)!!

If you are just joining us, or you fell off the wagon this week.  I encourage you to get back on today.  It is beautiful outside...get out and walk (that one is particularly for me)! 

Commit today to what God has called you, in order to be the best He has for you.  Put your failings behind you - under the blood - and move on. 

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you...

God has a great plan for your life and it doesn't include being lazy and lacking self discipline (those are for me too). 


Lord let us lean on you this week to accomplish Your will in our lives.  We love and adore  You and thank You so much for Your Son.  It is in His name  we ask these things.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fruit-Fruit- and More Fruit

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Guide:

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. Many are excellent sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate or potassium. They are low in fat and sodium and high in fiber. The Food Pyramid suggests 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. One serving of vegetables can be:
  • 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
  • 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or raw
  • 3/4 cup of vegetable juice
The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 4 servings of fruit each day. One serving of fruit can be:
  • One medium apple, orange or banana
  • 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked or canned fruit
  • 3/4 cup of fruit juice
Count only 100% fruit juice as a fruit, and limit juice consumption. Many commercial bottled juices come in containers that hold more than 2 servings which can add lots of sugar and calories to your daily diet. Punches, ades and most fruit "drinks" have only a bit of juice and lots of sugar. Fruit sodas are sugary drinks, and they don't count as fruit, either.

Hmmm....somewhere else I read that you were supposed to have 5 fruits a day.  This sounds much more doable!!   Today I have had at least 3 servings of fresh fruit so I'm counting that as a success!!  I am still sugar free!!!  But I did not walk tonight, no bible study so far and the kids had to forage for themselves tonight while I went out with my sweetheart.

Someone asked me what I meant by sugar free...basically I mean no sweets of any sort, no white rice, bread or pasta and no potatoes.  That's a good start for me.  I did this last year from about March to December and I remember thinking "I don't eat that much pasta" until I actually gave it up, I didn't think I did.  Then I got to looking at all my recipes and I realize, actually I do.  And my favorite restaurant is Olive Garden where I love the PASTA!  Oh has not been as hard to give up as sweets.

My goal is first and foremost to not have to take medication for diabetes.  I had gestational diabetes with both my kids and obesity runs in my family.  Obviously I'm a prime candidate.   I have had my blood checked every year since my last child's birth and began seeing a problem several years ago.  Have been able to keep it somewhat controlled with diet and exercise but last March it was looking bad.  The Dr. wanted to start three different medicines and I declined!!!

Most of you know me well enough to know I'm fairly blunt and I just told him we are not going to treat the symptoms.  You have to help me treat the cause...weight.  So with an appetite suppressant (1 medicine vs three) and my GREAT walking buddy...I was able to lose 43 lbs last year.  I've slacked off on walking and watching my diet and the weight is thinking about coming back but my blood work still looks good.   I still have another 30 lbs to loose to get me within what I consider a normal weight for me (what I weighed before I gained 20 lbs my first year of marriage and then two kids).  It's what I weighed until I was about 30 yrs of age...yes I know that is still 20 year ago but I'm not shooting for my college weight now am I?

Now the kicker with the fruit thing is to not always choose the most calorie rich fruit....we'll see.

Lord I thank you for the many wonderful fruits and vegetables you have provided us with.  I thank you for LE's victory over french fries and my popcorn free movie date.  Thank you Lord for your Son.  Bless us Lord as we exercise the FRUITS of the Spirit...Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness, Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness and SELF CONTROL!  You have filled us with your Holy Spirit and we call on His Fruits for our life.  In Jesus name...


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Making Progress

Whoo Hoo!!!!!  Kinda proud of myself...don't laugh now...36 hours sugar free!!!!  YAY me!  And according to how I wrote my first goal in "Exposing Me" I've totally conquered that one.  I've actually walked 2 hours and It's not even March yet.  Obviously that goal should say 30 minutes PER DAY minimum between now and June 19 - Oh Well!

So for day 3 (Feb 15)
Goal # 1 - Walk 30 minutes a day - flopped
Goal # 2 - live sugar free YAY!!!!!  Good job
Goal # 3 - COOK nutritiously - not too bad
Goal # 4 - read the bible to know God more...flopped (though I did do 1 1/2 hours of study in the bible this morning before going to bible study...does that count for today at least?)

I'll just have to tell you that on Goal # three...I keep redefining "nutritious."  I see this goal as having several mini-goals underneath it.
  • a. Eating at home instead of eating out
  • b. Eating meals instead of munchies
  • c. Cooking
  • d. Cooking parts of the meal either from scratch or minimally processed
  • e. Cooking a whole meal from scratch
  • f.  Cooking every meal from scratch
So just to be clear, if we eat at home but we have PBJ's - that's somewhat better than eating at Popeye's but not as good as if I had actually cooked a meal.  Today was a b. or c. in the mini-goal category.  Cooked lunch but leftovers or sandwiches for dinner (it is Wednesday after all). 

At lunch I was so very proud of myself for cooking fried okra for my husband...then I realize, if I was really cooking from scratch, I would not have bought pre-breaded okra.  However, changing a whole mindset, not to mention lifestyle will take some time!  And don't worry...we get fried food about three times a year.  I want fried okra, chicken fried steak and/or Popeye's fried chicken about every three or four months so I fry away then just get back on the wagon. 

One of the first lifestyle changes I'm trying to implement is more fruit and vegetables in our diet.  And no, potatoes are not vegetables...they are a bread (something I cannot get my husband to agree to!). So this week, we have had blueberries, apples, oranges and grapes for breakfast and lunch.  Do you know how hard it is to get 5 whole servings of fresh fruit in a days time is?  (And how expensive?  We are already out of fruit and I need to go get more.)  Maybe you all do better than I but for breakfast, we'll have one apple sliced and one orange peeled for the 4 of us and there is always enough left for the kids to take in their lunch.  There is no way an apple and orange divided by 4 is a full serving...especially with leftovers...much less 2 or three.  Yet breakfast is the easiest meal for me to get fruits in.  I will munch on grapes all day if they are left on the counter but then I may eat them all in one day.  Not very budget friendly that habit.

Any suggestions?

O.K.  I'm new to this blog I get to ask you all questions?  If so...How are all of you doing?

Lord, as several women have committed to improving our health through nutrition, we just want to ask for continued strength and focus.  Remind us Lord that you created a wonderful working machine - our bodies - and that it is our responsibility to take care of it and keep it in good condition so that we might fulfill it's purpose.  But Lord, let's face it some of our desire is just about looking good.  Please give each of us a reasonable expectation for our bodies based on the way you created each of us.  In Jesus Name...AMEN